Monday, June 30, 2008

New contract news...

I recently signed a contract with Amber Quill for a new M/M novella, Precious Ache. I'm excited to announce it's been given a release date of September 1st! Talk about quick. I can't wait for this one to come out. I think it may just be the sweetest thing I've written to date, but I promise you won't get a toothache. There's plenty of spicy to go along with the sugar. :)

Here's the very unedited blurb for you all:

Abandoned as a child, Dave Blanchard learned to be self-reliant at an early age. Puberty brought a distressing attraction to other boys, and an abnormal growth spurt that drove Dave further into his shell. Adulthood granted him the freedom to stand on his own two feet, but cloistered him in a plastic bubble of his own making. At seven and a half feet tall, Dave has no problem finding men for anonymous sex through sleazy backroom romps, but the experiences leave him feeling cold and unsatisfied. Although he dreams of love and commitment, finding someone interested in a relationship seems like a pipe dream.

Desperate for companionship, Dave signs up for an online matchmaking service. To his utter embarrassment, his first date never shows, but his luck improves when he runs into a former foster brother, Micah Black. Dave and Micah quickly rebuild their friendship, but with it comes the resurrection of the forbidden crush Dave harbored for Micah when they were teens. Micah is off limits to Dave, but that doesn’t stop Dave’s imagination from spinning torrid scenarios involving his straight friend.

When Micah’s life is threatened, Dave’s inhibitions melt away. Unfortunately, the price of one chaste kiss could mean the end of the friendship Dave wanted so badly.

1 comment:

JenB said...

Ooooh, I need this book. Like...RIGHT NOW. *drools*

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