Friday, April 4, 2008

The inevitable approaches...

Tax Day. ARGH. People have been giving Caesar his due since, um, the age of Caesar. (Oh yeah, I'm great with words today...*snort*) April 15th is coming fast for those of us in the US, and there's no better reward for getting through the chore than some good books! Aside from the enormous virtual-stack of ebooks I have in my TBR pile, I'm looking forward to curling up with these print books over the weekend if I can squirrel away some free time. And yes...they're all chock-full of m/m goodness! :D

Yakuza In Love (manga) - Shiuko Kano has yet to dissappoint with her sexy stories and expressive artwork.

Best Gay Romance 2008 (anthology) - I cheated and read a couple of the short stories instead of waiting for the weekend. There's one called "Endless Against Amber" by a young Australian author that's bittersweet, romantic, a little sad, and great all-around.

The Back Passage (novel) - I've had this one a while, and the Agatha Christie-style mystery set-up didn't grip first. But after pressing on for a bit, all I can say is that this book is FUN. Very sexy, gratuitously so, but that works since the novel is so over-the-top and enjoyable.

And there's also the uber-fun round robin that's happening right here at Slash & Burn. Stay tuned for more installments! :D


Amanda Young said...

Taxes. Oh, fun. Sigh. On the other hand, I really liked The Back Passage. Hopefully you will, too. There's nothing like a good book to make your forget about your "real life" stuff for a little while.

Anne Cain said...

After doing some drawing last night, I tucked myself into bed with The Back Passage and stayed up until 2-something in the morning to finish! I couldn't put it's such a fun read. And I really liked the ending (so sweet!).

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