Sunday, January 4, 2009

No forking.

Wow, hi there, 2009. Kind of snuck up on me, didn't you? Never mind the mess, that's just 2008 on its way out. Come on in and have a cup of coffee; it's cold out there. I'll even add some Baileys to it.

Had dinner last night with the husband and a good friend of his. Good friend is a commander in the military and is being sent back to Iraq in March, and then hopefully will have a safe return home and he can retire. He'll be forty years old and he's been pretty decorated, so his military career was successful and satisfying for him. He was telling us what it's like over there, and was really open and casual about being around other men in those extreme conditions. The temperature in the winter gets below freezing (and up to 155 degrees F in the summer, UGH) and in his own words, "It's okay to spoon, but not to fork."

HAHAHAHA! I can just imagine. I almost said, "You'd get a hell of a lot warmer if you forked," but that probably wouldn't have won me any friends, and my husband might have taken away my wine glass. Instead, I just smiled and listened to all the male bonding tales and made up my own stories of military boys in my head.

Happy 2009, slashers! May your year be filled with random moments of boy love.


Keira Andrews said...

I can just imagine your husband's :| face if you had said that out loud!

Tory Temple said...

LOL! You're imagining right. He gave me :| face anyway when I laughed too much at the forking comment.

Tam said...

What, the man has no sense of humor? That was a line just DYING for a snarky response. You can't throw something like that out there and expect people to just nod seriously. LOL I would have said something, and that's probably why I'm divorced. :-)

JenB said...

Oh wow, think of all the plot bunnies. O_O

I'd have had a hard time keeping my mouth shut. You're made of stronger stuff than I am! :) captcha was "reacto".

Tory Temple said...

HEE Jen and Tam! Would you believe that another friend of mine said the same thing, too? I'm definitely in the minority for keeping my mouth shut! But then again, the guy's new girlfriend was there too, so it was probably wise of me to try and make a good impression. :D

Sarah said...

I am totally impressed you kept a straight face. I think my imagination would have gone into overdrive!

Hope he has a good break while he is still there in the US.

Tory Temple said...

Sarah - my "straight face" was hidden behind my wine glass out of necessity. ;) My brain was going crazy.

K.A. Mitchell said...

There is no way I could have controlled the lower part of my face. I would have been contorting it until very undignified snorts were coming out of my nose, probably with a nice spray of wine. The older I get, the less control I have. Twenty years ago I probably could have blinked and simply smiled as my imagination ran away with the image.

Thanks for sharing the great story.

Tory Temple said...

KA, you always make me laugh. :) It was definitely a struggle not to either laugh in his face or say something completely inappropriate. I barely managed.

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