Amongst all my other geekdoms, I'm a bit of a space geek. Always have been. Not really hard core, but I love the idea of going to the moon and coming home again safely. (None of that Space 1999 stuff, thanks. Much as I loved that show, I don't want the moon getting blasted out of orbit whether I'm on it or not.) I grew up watching Star Trek and Space 1999 and Doctor Who. Of course nowadays I'm grooving on Torchwood. (Finally, some juicy m/m goodness in a fantastic sci-fi series! This is where ST has been and remains made of fail.) And let's face it, guys in spacesuits are sexy! Don't you think? There's just something about that big puffy suit with all the dials and hoses and ring connectors. *sigh* ::looks around:: Come on. You know I'm not alone here. And who wouldn't want to try sex in Zero-G? Am I right? You know I'm right.
Anywho, whether you find astronauts sexy or not (Come on! The original guys were usually jet pilots! Muscle-bound hotshots who also has to be smart as hell!), here's a shot of the first moon landing before I have to dive back into writing the pitch materials for my space opera.
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