Speaking of June, this is the month that usually puts me in a pretty good mood because it heralds the arrival of my favorite season. I know that there are some folks who hide from the sun and can't wait until the cooler fall weather comes around again, but I'm just not one of them. Summer is my best, most relaxed time of the year, and there is just so much prettiness to look at when I go down to the beach. Summer means pool time, baseball games, the county fair. Cheesy, yet awesome.
Most of the characters in my books tend to like the warmer months of the year as well. I have lifeguards, surfers, guys who take their motorcycles out on long, warm days for a ride. Summer is my time and I'm not ashamed to pawn that characteristic off on a character. It helps to live in a state with gorgeous weather mostly year-round. Summer gets warm, but the humidity is low and nighttime temps are mild.
Do you love summer? Or hate it?

I'm not big on summer. I'm the one who's regularly bitching that autumn can't come soon enough. Considering I live in a seriously temperate climate, I know that makes me a weather wimp. ;) But I can always pile on the sweaters when it's cold. I only have so many clothes I can take off when it's hot. I like a bit of sun, though -- gotta get that Vitamin D when I can. What I *do* love about summer are the long hours of daylight. Wish we could have more of that through the year!
I'm totally with you on the daylight thing. This winter, I tried using some of those natural sunlight bulbs in my bedside lamp and I really liked them! I think I might like other seasons a little more if we actually HAD them here in California.
Overall, I love summer. It's just the mugginess that gets me here in FL. With the harsh winter we had, there was about 2 weeks of spring and we're full blown into summer, so that tells me we're in for a pretty miserable summer. Even this morning, at 6am when I went for a walk I was slapped in the face with hot mugginess when leaving my house. However, I try to get out to the beach and friends' pools as often as I can. I like sporting a nice tan too. :)
Noooo, Marty! The hubs and I will be in Florida this summer and I was hoping for less humidity than we've experienced in the past... *sigh*
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