More of the fabulous retro-mane here and here. Thanks to the cheesy poses, I'm torn between spontaneous combustion and LOL. Twenty years ago, I would have been all over this!!! Now, I'm of the mind that Mr. Leto looks much better today. Still, he sure did have some pretty hair there. Also, bear in mind these photos would have been taken in 1989 or 1990, around the time we alternative girls were talking our alternative boys into growing out their shag cuts, mullets, skater bowls, or mohawks and just wearing it long and gel-free. So Jared was a pre-grunge trendsetter!
And yes, I'm tagging this post as both "humor" and "eye candy" -- you decide!
He looked so sad in those pictures. Poor dear with his perfect hair. Grrr. I always said I could never be with a guy who had better hair than me, which means I've pretty much condemned myself to dating balding men or mullet wearers. He did have a pretty mouth though if a bit pouty.
Tam ~ I've always dated (or ahem, married) men with better hair than mine, in a few cases longer than mine. I can't resist, even if it means twice the cost in shampoo and clogged bathtub drains. :D
I lubs the poutiness! And the whole "I feel so dirty but I'm so hawt and it's a good thing the photographer stopped at my waist cuz I'm throwing some serious wood here..." like, is he trying to hold the shirt together...or pull it OFF - muwahahaha!
Although what is up with the weird snake pin on the shirt? That thing looks like silk and he's gonna wind up with holes in his shirt...
But zose leeps? Zey are zo keesable! With leetle teeny neebles...nom nom nom...
We weel mees you at Yaoi Con, dear Katrina! Aurora and I will send you a yummy bishie like thees one to keep you warm this winter!
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