Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Release: Lost!

I know, I know. When are we going to get back to the robin? It's coming, I'm sure! For now, I had to share the news (and the cover) to my newest release, Lost!

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Price: $2.00
Publisher: Phaze Books
Buy it here.

When Eric begs Ethan to use his psychic skills to help find his drug addict mother, Ethan is reluctant, unwilling to use the gifts that have given him such pain in the past. But Eric is also one of Ethan's few friends and the plea is too strong to ignore.

They embark on the path to find the truth behind Deborah's disappearance only to stumble into the beginnings of hell...for the both of them.

As Eric tumbles down into a dark pit of pain that threatens his very soul, Ethan must fight down his own demons to help Eric see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Doesn't that cover just kick so much ass? *squee* Stella Price is a genius!

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