Monday, October 26, 2015

Wow, it's hard to believe that October is almost over, which brings Halloween just days away, thus bringing in full blown holiday season. 

Lots has been going on in my world. With my husband's recent retirement my world and schedule has been more wonky than ever. I also visited the "Big Apple" for the first time. For a small town woman like me it was a bit overwhelming but I had a great experience. I was also able to meet most of the cast of my favorite TV show, "Supernatural" & get some photos with them. *swoon*

As for my writing world, that too has made a turn. As of Sept 1st Secret Cravings Publishing closed. This publisher housed my M/M Christmas themed story "Under Wraps". With Christmas coming up it is unhoused. This led me into researching self publishing. I'm just a day or two away from making my final decision as to where to begin. I'm hoping to have my Christmas book back out, as well as another than has been unpublished for several years soon. I'm also very close to finishing the long awaited second book to my "Fallen Angels" book. Hopefully it will be submitted to my publisher by the New Year. 

So you see, busy, busy, busy. Most days I don't mind, it's just a matter of making a schedule and keeping to it.

Meanwhile, I hope everyone has a happy Halloween. Stay safe.

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