I couldn't resist this T-shirt; the reason is probably obvious. Does anyone know what it says at the top, or have a speculation?
Last week I saw a banner ad at tvguide.com for an As the World Turns love triangle featuring two guys and a girl, and it seemed like the two guys were actually the pairing to root for. Curious, I did a search on YouTube.
Thus, an obsession began, and I spent more than seven hours in a row watching the story of Luke and Noah unfold.
I haven't watched ATWT in twenty years, when teenaged Lily was frolicking with hunky stableboy Holden. They're amazingly still around, and it's their son Luke who's now falling for Noah, a repressed army brat who dates girls and desperately tries to fight his attraction to Luke. The actors do a terrific job -- particularly Van Hansis as Luke -- and the writing is remarkably subtle and incisive. (Granted, you'll also have to suffer through a subplot about some singer and her cliched stalker than involves a field trip to Branson, Mo., but the Luke/Noah story is worth it, trust me.) Maddie, Luke's friend and Noah's short-term girlfriend, is warm and sympathetic, and Holden and Lily are very supportive of Luke. Noah's father is unfortunately turning out to be a bit of an eeeeeevil bastard, but it is a soap, after all.
If you're interested in catching up on Noah and Luke's story, you can find all 64 parts (and counting) here, including their historic first kiss -- the first real kiss between two men in American daytime TV history.
I also wrote some fanfic, because no obsession is complete without it.
What the reviewers are saying:
4.5 Nymphs
“Sizzling sexual tension heats up the pages from the time Ms. Young’s character meet, and as their journey continues a sweet romance develops and grows. Lust is a powerful factor in this story, but it’s love that gives these men the chance they need for a beautiful future together.”
~ Reviewed by Water Nymph for Literary Nymphs
4 Blue Ribbons
“SINS OF THE PAST by Amanda Young is a charming and sensuous tale.”
~ Reviewed by Christina
4 Stars
“Sins of the Past raises itself above the average and is well worth a read.”
~ Reviewed by British Bull Dog
Okay, so my latest release from Changeling isn't M/M. No, I've got edits on my next men on horseback book to take care of next week. But, I thought I'd share with you the hotness that is the inspiration for Rody, my hero.
It's those blue eyes that get me every time...
Maybe, I like what I read because they're military. If I found slash/gayfic cops I'd read 'em too. My inbox is littered with RSS feeds from the FBI and several Police Departments. I have a serious thing for uniforms. Everyone else slows down at an accident to see what happened. I slow to see what police department showed up. I know the difference between the summer uniform, basic uniform and the training uniform for most So. Cal departments. Riot gear, combat boots, batons and a Sam-Brown belt...shiver.
The thought of two sexy guys in uniform...together...really does it for me. I know it's one of the reasons I write cops. It is, possibly, the ultimate in masculinity: dominance, power, control. I've been toying with a science fiction military piece for the same types of reasons. There are things you can do with and to soldiers/police as characters that people wouldn't "buy" from any other type of character. They can be ballsy and brash, but still have a more sensitive core.
They're a blast to write as well. You want to bash someone's head into a wall. Guess what, your character can. Think about what a cop could do while a guy is handcuffed. Oh, wait, I wrote that story... twice.
I may never understand why I read and write these guys. I just have to accept I love it.
photo 1 is from bigphoto.com and is public domain with credit. photo 2 is from the US Federal archives and as such is public domain.