Wednesday, July 18, 2012

And How Are All of Your Folks?

Wow. I don’t know how the rest of you have been doing, but here in my latitude and longitude it’s been freaking HOT. I never thought I would miss going outside, but I was starting to get used to my outdoor office on my teeny little deck. Soon I’ll be heading to Southern California—where I hear it never rains (or so the song says) and it’s sunny, but it should be at least 20 degrees cooler.

While in those sunny yet reasonably temperate climes, I’ll be at the Romance Writers of America National Conference in Anaheim. If you’re in that area, I’m doing a book signing in the Anaheim Convention Center on Wednesday, July 25 from 5:30 to 8. Proceeds benefit literacy (yay, more readers!). I’m at table 804, but there are only about 400 other authors so…They tell me there’s a map. I’ll have snacks to sustain you on the treasure hunt. And my wife says she’s getting letter balloons to spell out S-E-X. She’s a middle school teacher. She knows how to get the attention of everyone.

Meanwhile—oh crap, this is sounding like one of those holiday newsletters from your cousin that you want to burn as soon as you open it but instead you read it aloud and mock every little update. I’ll try to have something better next time…like maybe a story tease.  So anyway, no annoying family photos, but meanwhile, I’ve been working on another Baltimore book. I hear it’s so hot there the pavement is running down the street and airplanes are sinking into the tarmac, but you can’t believe everything you see in pictures these days. It’s called Bad Attitude and it features Jamie, Quinn’s ex-Marine friend, who if you remember, has one. A bad attitude, that is. It’s been fun hanging with Quinn and Eli and even seeing Kellan and Nate again—though they haven’t been on the page, just in a phone conversation. Quinn called Nate Mr. Holier-Than-Thou, but Eli explained that he just goes by Nate now.

I believe I’ve newslettered at you enough. Aren’t you glad you don’t get one from me at Christmas? Where ever you may be on the globe, I hope the weather is treating you mildly, but that your reading material is hot.


Lisa said...

Can't wait for Bad Attitude, especially if we get to revisit Quinn and Eli. Loved those two guys together. :)

K.A. Mitchell said...

I love hanging out with Eli and Quinn again!

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