Thursday, January 28, 2010

Villains Redeemed?

Can a villain be redeemed?

It's a question that's been plaguing me for a while--since I finished Spirits of Abaddon: Bad Blood. I'm not talking about anti-heroes (like Triarius or Gabriel). I'm talking about villains... like Lazarus in Bad Blood.

When I wrote Bad Blood, I fully intended for Semoriel's destruction at Gabriel's hands. I never expected what DID happen...

Instead of doing away with a demon and maintaining an evil elemental, I ended up with a demon/elemental couple that I never thought I'd have. Lazarus wouldn't LET me kill off Semoriel. He isn't the love type--not by any stretch of the imagination--but he does feel passion, and Semoriel delivers that in spades.

So...can a villain be redeemed, in the eyes of readers?


Sweet Vernal Zephyr said...

Oh yes. or the hero can become evil leaving a void...

Jambrea said...

Yes! I love it when an author can redeem a villian.

Liz said...

LOL Thanks, y'all! :D (Never thought of making a hero turn

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