Monday, July 2, 2007

4th of July

Independence Day, or the Fourth of July, is an American holiday celebrating the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776—the birth of democracy. It’s a day when we head outdoors to enjoy summer activities like parades, barbecues and picnics, traditionally followed up by a fireworks display, all shared with family and friends.

I love that in this country we are free to make our own choices and control the course of our lives (unless you’re in a D/s relationship *g*). Our society evolves a little more all the time, becoming more tolerant of, and even rejoicing in, our differences.

For my personal celebration, my family and I are currently in NYC for the Macy’s fireworks. I can’t think of a more symbolic place to be than sitting on the deck of a sightseeing boat watching the fireworks explode around the Statue of Liberty.

How will you be celebrating? Are you not free to celebrate due to work or other obligations? Do you have particular traditions you enjoy each year? Or is it just another day?
I hope you have a wonderful day of freedom and that your loved ones are near.

Happy Independence Day! Happy Birthday, America!

1 comment:

veinglory said...

You can see mine here:


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